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What is a Tradeline?


There’s a term in credit enhancement called “tradelines.”


Tradelines are an account on your credit report. For example, a credit card, car note, student loans, or a mortgage are all tradelines.


Broad regulations and legal loopholes allow for you to benefit from being an authorized user on another person’s tradeline AKA credit card (otherwise known as credit piggybacking).


The issuing bank reports the positive credit history including the age of the account, the limit of the tradeline and the positive payment history to Experian, TransUnion and/or Equifax.


The payment history, age, and limit have direct impact on the FICO credit score model which impacts your utilization ratio, average credit age and payment history.


FICO® digests this newly added credit and recalculates your score with drastic improvements.

We do this by adding you as an authorized user to a seasoned tradeline, allowing you to “piggyback” off of the account in good standing.


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